Sunday 29 July 2012

This month has been a crazy one!

Ok so I haven't updated in a while and I need to change that! Here goes....

I have a degree AND A JOB as a graphic designer! woopa woopa!


So lets have some photos!

SO first came the Graduation...

The whole day was very cool. It was held in Guildford Cathedral and it was beautiful. The weather was pretty shit all day but it only rained towards the end! It was sad knowing there were many people I would never see again but also I felt so proud that I had done that considering all through my school life I was told I would never do anything good with my life!

I then on the Friday got a phone call about a possible job, that was exciting!

Then on Sunday Comic Con came. It was my first con and it was SOO FREAKING AMAZING!

SO that was sooo amazing! I meet Chris Judge, dressed as Teal'c and Ben Browder looking like a hobo >.<
Then I got an autograph with Kevin Sorbo. I was a little disappointed with my pictures as I look pretty bad in them, problem was I was pretty nervous and knowing you are having your photo taken made me freeze up a bit ahah!

When attended two talks. The Adam Baldwin and Jewel Staite (firefly) talk and there was a free Ben Browder talk and that tbh was the highlight of the day! He was such a great guy and really down to earth.!!

  It really was amazing day and I'm hoping to attend some more in the autumn! The stalls there were awesome too! Got a cool star trek necklace, and some really cool badges (although I lost my smeg head one the nest day boo ): )

Then on the Monday (I had been up at 6am for comic con and then up at 7am on Monday) I went to Nottingham and went to my best friend's hen party!

I had a really nice time while I was there, it was a shame I could only afford to go my coach, because that was HELLISH! and then I got an awful cold when I was back.

I had amazing cocktails which included a Jellybeantini and a Toblarone Martini. They were delicious! We also went to a place called Annie's to eat and that was full of many noms!

Then I got back and recovered for a few days and got a phone call that Friday about the job I heard from the previous Friday for an interview that Monday. Then on Monday at that interview I got another interview for a design company. I however didn't get the second job. But I have been offered the first job as the Graphic Designer in the company and I start this Wednesday! eeek! It's only temporary at the moment but they really hope to but it permanent, so fingers crossed! It's 18k a year too which is crazy when I earn 4k a year ahahah!!! 

So yeah my July has been CRAZY! Loads of amazing and cool things have happened and I am actually a working professional now!

I think that is all for now!! :D