Friday 25 April 2014

Bank Holiday Easter and what nots

I haven’t updated in quite a while so and hey it’s a Friday post not a Monday post. Wahey.

I am counting the days down till the weekend. Alas this time last week it was the Easter bank holiday and it was sunny rather than this disgusting grey fog and rain. I was also at home.

The Easter break was exceptionally pleasant; although it was quiet I really enjoyed it and appreciated the relaxing time. This month has been tough one; money wise and I put some bits on eBay in hope to afford my flamingo dress. I ended up making well over £100 and was thrilled. I haven’t got my dress as of yet, but I did put the rest towards a holiday! It’s only a little holiday to the coast for 5 days in a caravan. I have used my club card vouchers for money towards pizza express and entry into a zoo. I have been craving some space and just time away on our own with Matt and I AM SOOO EXCITED. I am going to try and kick my healthy eating into full swing and I want to lose 12lbs before I go! And once I do that I will reach my ultimate goal the goal I set at the beginning over 50lbs away that I honestly thought was unachievable! But I’m close I’ve been close since December but I haven’t really got back into it since Christmas so now I have 2 months to do it! I know it’s doable and I WILL DO IT!

So Friday I saw a friend and then me and Matt saw Spider Man at the cinema. It was really good and I really enjoyed it! It was quite shocking at the end I wasn’t expecting that!

Saturday was quite relaxed I had to go and post all my eBay parcels but other than that I didn’t do much. I did however make a delicious stir fry! And Then Easter Sunday was spent as usual with my Grandma and Family. We had a delicious roast and I was SPOILT with chocolate so much so by Monday I was SICK OF THE STUFF!

I LOVE LOVE MINI EGGS, and although I love them I am glad they are out of season now! No more till next year. But I was very excited to receive this rather large egg!

After getting home Sunday we headed off to the cinema again and saw transcendence, to be honest it wasn’t very good. I mean it was ok but not great.

Monday we were feeling rather full and lazy and just wanted to get out for a bit so we went to beaver water world. It was a tiny place and saw some animals like merkats and reptiles (no beavers though??), it was a nice though and the money goes to the charity looking after these animals. The sun was out to and we had a coffee sitting outside which I have missed all winter!

It was back to work Tuesday and it’s been a loooong week. Dylan had to be put to sleep on Wednesday evening, I was gutted and my sister was exceptionally kind and paid the £140 (it was out of hours) poor little man his tumour split. So yesterday and today I haven’t been quite as cheerful as I could have been. I do really miss him and now I have none and I feel a little empty now. Plus he was just so lovely I miss him a lot.

But I know he is pain free now and I hope he is somewhere nice and I hope it’s full of strawberry popcorn!

So this weekend is another quiet one. I need to save money as this last month has left me in the red and I need to put a bit of money away for my holiday!

I will end with two pictures that cheer me up.

My sister is looking after a friend’s hedgehog! He was soooo freaking cute and sharp!

And a motivation boosts to see how far I have come! Because sometimes I put myself down too much and forget how far I have come!

Happy Weekend!

Thursday 24 April 2014

End of an era to my furry friends.

So I want to say goodbye to the era and good bye to all my furry friends.

I wanted to write a big memorial but to be honest I just wanted to say that I loved you all dearly. You bought such joy into my life with your personalities and characters. I hope I gave you all a happy loved home and life.

I want to say thank you to all my roo’s for just being amazing fascinating little creatures and being part of my life.

Last night Dylans’s ( lil D / Rubbles) tumour split. There was a lot of blood in the cage and he was very lethargic and seemed in pain. It’s sad when they pass away but when I’ve had to make the decision to have them put to sleep that has just killed me a bit inside. It is also heart breaking because he was the last one I had and now it’s all gone and over with now. For the time being I won’t be letting any more furry friends into my home.

I don’t really believe in a god, but I do believe in the idea of ‘Rainbow bridge’ I believe animals are too innocent to just die, so I hope they are all there happy reunited with cage mates with all the strawberry popcorn they could ever want.

I’m pretty drained today after last night saying goodbye is so hard even when you are saying goodbye to a tiny fluff ball.

So R.I.P all my roo’s and thank you for leaving me with so many enjoyable and happy memories.

Monday 7 April 2014

This should just be a Monday Pot blog. HA!

It’s Monday again. I might as well rename this blog THE MONDAY BLOG. I don’t do anything interesting I the week. Well to be honest I don’t do much at the weekend either.

Anyway.. I actually had a lovely weekend. By the time Friday rolled around I was just exhausted. Beyond belief. Seriously poooped. I know this as a fact as I fell asleep at about 21:30 woke at 23:00 (which I was pleased about as I had wanted KFC all night and I was in turmoil if I should get it and by the time I woke up it had shut so fate had decided for me..!) and then got into bed properly and slept till 8am when I popped to the doctors and was back by 9am and went back to bed till 11am. So I clearly needed some sleep.

Saturday I made Lunch (cooked breakfast bacon and what not) then we cleaned the room a bit and planned to go to the cinema to see Non Stop at 21:20. We left a bit later than planned, however it took me 30-40minutes to bloody park. We had planned on going to Nandos and we are SOOO SKINT at the moment it was a real treat I had been looking forward to all week. Alas that left us with 50minutes to eat and with the queue coming out the door we headed to TGI Friday’s who had a 30minutes wait for a table so it ended up being Pizza Hut. Now I do like Pizza hut but when I spent an hour curling my hair putting on a nice dress to go and sit in pizza hut it was a real let down. Plus I paid £26 for food I didn’t particularly want as I had my heart set on Nandos. By the time the food came it was 21:10 and we had to just gobble it down so I didn’t even get to sit and enjoy it. Alas.

We were 15minutes late for the film but the trailers were still playing so we didn’t miss anything. I was a little doubtful about the film but it was actually REALLY REALLY GOOD! It kept me on the edge of my seat and I really enjoyed it! I think it is well worth seeing!

Sunday was quiet, we went from Sunday Dinner at my Mum’s and then just spent the afternoon at home not doing much. We did however in the evening watch the rest of season 2 of Game of Thrones. I’m REALLY enjoying that TV show. We are going to start season 3 tonight.

My sister is having a birthday meal on Friday which me and Matt are going to so I have that to look forward to, other than that a quiet week and the long bank holiday in 2 weeks’ time HURRAH!

I will end on this thought and my Monday wish list.
WHY when you go shopping or just in general and you have money you don’t really want anything or see anything you want. BUT when you are skint, like I am this month ( I am SO INSANELY SKINT SERIOUSLY) do you fall in love with a BEAUTIFUL dress that’s bloody £45. AHhh well next month it shall be mine! Bwhahaah