Friday 21 June 2013

Today is awful and I am glad it is Friday.

I haven’t updated in a while. I seem to start almost every blog post with that line.

Nothing eventful I guess has happened. I’m feeling like utter horse shit today. I had a job interview last week and a second job interview this week and I found out this morning if I got it or not. As you may be able to tell by the fact I feel like horse shit I did not get it.

I am pretty fucking gutted to be honest. It was perfect and easy to commute more money and something I would enjoy doing better. I am so tempted to sack off being a graphic designer and get a job like where Matt works. Something that is easy and keeps me busy and makes the days go quickly. Then concentrate on my illustrations at the weekends, because I hate the work I do here 99% of the time. And I want to leave. It’s not really being creative its mostly putting together junk and making it look a little nicer. I don’t really know what I want to do with my life at the moment. Although what I do know is, I really FUCKING WANTED THAT GOD DAMN JOB. I liked the atmosphere there, I liked the work that I would be doing and it was still in the line of design so I wouldn’t feel like a cop out. I can be very creative and I can do nice work, but I struggle when it’s boring and I don’t care. My attention span is so shit I just can’t do it and I honestly don’t care at all. Not one bit.

Ahh well. I will keep looking and hopefully something will come up somewhere somehow. Maybe I should do my design work more freelance then I can decide on what projects and work I can take and do. Where I use adobe at work so much going home and doing at the weekends doesn’t appeal to me at all. I am feeling a little despaired right now.

It is nice having Matt at home at the weekends now. I enjoy that. We are going to see Despicable me 2 tomorrow morning and last weekend we had to pick something up from his old work so we went down to Brighton for the evening and ate amazing food and played on the pier. 

Anyways I guess i'll end that here. Only 30 minutes to go now.  photo blogger_zpsc8710935.png

Friday 7 June 2013

I shall be an Illustrator

I haven’t posted in a few weeks. This is bad of me. Although I have been busy in a productive way!

So I attended MCM expo almost two weeks ago now. It was an insanely busy day. Really too busy at points. We queued for TWO hours to get a ticket. The hall was completely packed out smelt pretty iffy too haha! We had a look around and I really wanted to get a game signed for Matt. Turned out he wasn’t around until later and all the tickets had gone. Boo. They also has GIANT MINIONS! I wanted to take one home D:

What caught my eye the most though was all the little stands and the illustrator stands. I went to one  Jess Bradley stand and I fell in love with her art. I was feeling super sad because that’s what I really want to do. And then it dawned on me, I could do that I've just been too damn lazy to both and that annoyed me.

So I got home and found an awesome necklace that makes necklaces like the ones I love, it works out so cheap around £2 a necklace and I would like to sell them for £8-£10 a necklace. I would like to do greeting cards and prints and badge and all sorts. It’s quite exciting. So I came up with a plan.
  1. Design and print business cards.
  2. Make 1-3 designs per week MINIMUM.
  3. Update blog everyday on Tumblr.
  4.  Pick 5 designs to get printed onto necklaces.
  5.  Design backing cards to display necklaces.
  6. Attend a craft fair and see how they go and get my work out there!!!

Anyway so far it has gone quite well. I have two designs I am pleased with. They aren't quite finished yet though. It’s only minor touches I need to do to them!

I am actually super motivated and I can’t wait to really get this rolling. SO I really want to be a illustrator of character design and this is what I am going to do I have decided! I will make all the strange weird things in my head come to life, god knows there is enough of it haha!

Matt also got a new job, I’m not sure if I mentioned that in my last post. And I FINALLY after 10months of temping got offered my job. The downside is that I also got offered a job interview for job I really want in Croydon. It’s on Tuesday and I really REALLY want it! It’s for a production designer so the job sounds good its more money and cost of travel would be less than a quarter of what I am paying now. SOO I have everything crossed.

I also started to teach matt to drive, that has been a little scary in places, but he is doing very very well! He just needs a little more confidence I think.

Tonight I am going to get ready in the toilet after work and head down to Burgess Hill, his work are having a leaving dinner for him and I was invited so I’m pretty excited about that! Downside is though I bought my favourite dress with me but you have to wear a vest top under it and I forgot the vest top. Boo.

I don’t have any plans to do much this weekend. I think it will be a weekend of lying in bed watching Dexter (which I am currently re-obsessed with) and doing some design work. I went to see the hangover last week but it was pretty naff and tbh I was pretty pissed off too and hurt about something else it sorta crushed my mood for the weekend. I must NOT go shopping or spend much money as mine and Matt’s pay have gotten a little fucked due to him changing jobs and me changing the way I get paid :/ So staying in bed seems like a great idea. I have to get a top at lunch though as I said above and I’m sooooo fucking tempted to get this really cute little peach dress I saw ages ago! BUT I MUST NOT…. It’s like £20 and I need to save that!

I’ll end with so tales of my bank holiday weekend. I was meant to see my friends on the bank holiday but they blew me out except one and I really didn’t want to sit in a pub all day when the weather was beautiful and I had a rare extra day off. SOOO I called my trusty sister and we went to Brighton. It was lovely! Ate some Mexican food, looked down the laines, and then went to the beach, I also enjoyed a ride on a carousel. It made me dizzy and I was a little sick in my mouth. LOVELY!

Let’s hope the weather picks up as it’s been so beautiful all week and this morning it started to thunder lightening and RAIN, lots of rain again. Thank god for English weather. Yuk.

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