Monday 29 October 2012

The weekend is long gone now.

It’s Monday again. OOOooooOoooh. Mondays are the worst. There’s that IMPENDING DOOM AHEAD of a whole 5 days until the weekend again. Ugh. Last week went by insanely fast. I like coming in and getting on with a bucket load of work. It makes the day zoooom by and it is interesting, but today I have very little to do.

I do however have Saturday to look forward to, as Matt has managed to get it off. HURRAh! I’m so excited to spend a day with him and we will be going up to London to Forbidden Planet for the Halo Mega Bloks day.

I got a really nice jacket at the week and some amazing nail polish.

I went shopping on Saturday to get some jumpers for work and instead got a jacket lol! It was way too busy and manic in Croydon on Saturday to think straight let alone shop! So I found this jacket/coat in H&M and I’m glad it fitted as the back of their coats are usually way too small for me. It was £35 and it has a real Sherlock Holmes feel to it to me anyway with the pattern! I only own massive coats or just hoodys and I thought it would be nice to have something a little smaller for when I got shopping or just to the pub and a MASSIVE HEAVY coat is necessary! 

I also tried some Model’s Own nail polish at my friends house when I went to my party last weekend and was so impressed by it I had to go and buy some! They didn't have the one I wanted, but I got a purple, baby blue ( which I plan on caking with glitter so it looks like snow and ice) and a disco ball one that looks like glittery confetti!

I’m going to go at lunch to boots and see if they have the other colour as they are 3 for 2 at the moment so for £10 I get three really really good nail polishes!  I’m not sure they will have that range as only the bigger store seem to have them but fingers crossed!

I have also wanted to show off the boots, skirt and scarf I got last week. 

The boots I super nice and were from Tesco and the Skirt has tiny black swallows on it and is a skater skirt style. The scarf is HUGE and is covered in moustaches and both of those are from New Look. 

I really enjoy the fact that I do have some money now and I can buy some bits and pieces that I like. I try not to go crazy with spending my money as I owe so much and I don’t know how long I will have this job for, but it’s nice being able to buy some new bits and pieces and not wonder if you will have enough money to eat in the week.!

So yeah got a few new bits! And the impending doom of the week ins ahead of me. But before I know it, it will be Saturday again and all will be good.
So goodbye for now.

Friday 26 October 2012

The weather is shit

My god this week has been so so so BUSY! Tuesday I had to get loads of work books finished and completed and out by the time I left, that did not happen and I didn’t get home till 8:30!! JEEZ! Then on the Wednesday I was busy doing another work book that was needed to be completed done and bound with feedback sheets by lunchtime today. I did that! And it’s gone and now this afternoon I don’t have very much to do! Which is nice as it isn’t stressful, but at the same time it makes time go very slowly! Only just got back from lunch I usually eat around 12:30ish and take lunch around 12:45-13:45 but I took it from 13:20:14:20 which is kinda good as it means there is less afternoon and ON TOP OF THAT I got in 10 minutes early today and that means I can leave at 17:05 wooopa! And then tomorrow is the LOVELY LOVELY weekend.

I have no real plans for tomorrow or Sunday. Might see Gem I guess on Sunday. Might just have some ‘me’ time on the Saturday. Got to go Reigate for 1pm and then I may go on into Croydon. I really want a new bag and I’m not really sure what I want. So I think I will go and have a look around….
I saw an amazing iPad case on Wednesday and now I highly regret not buying it. It was Marvel and all old comic book style. Might keep my eyes peeled for that too!

I’m not feeling overly happy this week. I guess the realisation that me and Matt aren’t getting better has hit home. I want to so much and sometimes I feel that he doesn’t want to. I’m sure that’s not the case but meh. I am truly sorry but that doesn’t seem to matter. And I’ve pushed all my friends away so I’m pretty fucking lonely half the time. I go to work, come home, and go to work. Le sigh.

At least I won’t have to go to work. Instead I get to sit on my own for two days.

Anyway I’m depressing myself.

I better crack on with the few bits I have to do this afternoon. Only just over 2 hours of the week left. Hurrah.

Monday 22 October 2012

Ma Partay

I had a really nice Saturday this weekend. Work last week was manic and I had so much to do. But that was good as it meant the days flew by! But I have loads to do today and tomorrow.
Saturday I got up real early and went and took Matt to the station and then went to spec savers and got the contacts sorted out! Dailies seem  to be working much better for me than monthly ones. I then drove straight to Croydon and was there by 10:30am and it was really quiet and very pleasant shopping on a Saturday as usually I go in the afternoon and it is way too busy and hectic. 

 I had a very good shop too and got some lovely bits. The jumper to the right, I've always wanted a tacky Christmas jumper and now my dreams have come true and for £12 too so it wasn't even expensive. I cannot wait to wear that out at Christmas time! WOOOPA! 

Then I went into New look and found a LOVELY skirt and I tried it on a it looked great which made me very happy. It’s hard to find skirts that I love. Usually I hate the pattern or the shape is completely wrong, but this one was exactly what I like and I also bought a Moustache scarf! I will post a picture of them up when I am next wearing them!
I then went for lunch and a look round Redhill with Gem and then picked Matt up from work and headed over to Cat’s house to have a night with the girls from Uni and a little birthday thing…. BUT THEY ACTUALLY THREW ME A SURPRISE PARTY.

 It was soo soo soo cool and there was a party table and balloons and a banner and food and drink! It was sooo nice! And then they got me the coolest gifts. They all went and got me a bear hoody that I have wanted forever and Aimee drew me a pillow of all the amazing things that I love the most. It made me completely speechless which is something that is very hard…. It was amazing and it was all so thoughtful!

We then ordered Pizza and ate too much, watched some TV played with balloons and just had a really really nice night! I had to leave about midnight as I was falling asleep I was so tired, but it was fun and I was really touched they would go out their way to do that for me.

Sunday on the other hand was pretty shit. Had a MASSIVE HEADACHE, weather was awful and it was boring and long and I wasted half  the day asleep. Ahhh well, and now it’s Monday again and I have a whole week of work ahead of me. Boooo….

Friday 12 October 2012


Ok so  I’m exhausted again D:

I stayed up way too late and watched Dexter, it is amazing though. I feel sad that I am not currently watching it. Also watched new Red Dwarf last night. Its terrible, but I think that’s what makes it soo good! :D

I still have over an hour and a half left at work. I like it when it goes past 4pm because for some reason that last hour just always feels nice, y’know home time is fast approaching and especially today as its Friday yaaaay!

I’m going out today, me TORIA out on a Friday night…. Yes it’s true. Going to see some friends from Uni should be nice. I worry about matt as I know he isn’t in a great mood today and I am praying that he won’t get real upset if I go out tonight. I know he gets lonely when I’m not there :/ but I do miss my friends….

I’m going to see Fee on Sunday, very excited as I haven’t seen her since March or April woooo!
I might be a pig for dinner as I’m starving and just cannot be assed to cook anything!
Anyhooo not long till the weekend now!

Thursday 11 October 2012

My birthday and France.

I’m going to start this post with a list of complaints.
  1.  I fucked my thumb nail. It split half way down my nail in the actual nail bed and I tried to ‘fix’ it and now I have a stubby thumb.
  2.  My hand is super sore. I have this Calais/dry skin on my hand and I have started to cut it away and file it when it gets quite big as it also gets very sore and making it smaller seems to help. This time it has made it 100x worse.
  3. I’m exhausted. I went swimming and then stayed up and watched Dexter way too late.
  4. I’m not watching Dexter and this makes me sad. What I would give to go home and watch that all day…   pfft.
  5.  There’s still one more day left after this one D:
  6. This time last week I was in France >:|

I could go on but I will stop….
On the plus side I am seeing Fee on Saturday and RedDwarf is on tonight.

So France went really well and I had a lovely time. Exhausted on the first day with the traveling and the fact I only got about 3 hours sleep >.<  Had a DELICOUS breakfast in the airport at Frankie and Bennys…. MANY NOMS. Then realised I hadn’t packed a change of top, I was all FUUUUUUUUUUU! Really annoying I was so busy fart assing around getting ready I forgot to pack a bloody change of top…. Got into France around 2pm and went to the food place to buy food for the week, flight was quick and the weather wasn’t too bad.

The evening was nice, ate Pizza I kept falling asleep and we started watching Dexter and it is amazaballs. Like seriously, I’m hooked! Then on the Thursday we went to Anger (On-Jay) and had a DELICOUS lunch and did and bit of shopping and I found an H&M HURROAH and bought a new vest top…. YAY CHANGE OF CLOTHES! Go all that way and that’s all I bought! Again just had a relaxing evening and then on Friday got up late and went to the zoo! It was amazing they had penguins, tigers, lions, leopards, snow leopards. I also got attacked and pecked by some evil bird with a massive long evil beak! The zoo was lovely and was made to feel more like you were walking around with the animals rather than staring at them through bars. The weather on Thursday and Friday was amazing 24 degrees and sunny!

Then on Saturday we had a chill out day. Matts Dad and Julie went out and we played with the dogbot and watched Tv and napped.  It was very nice! And then on the Sunday we flew home. Got back by 3pm and had dominos for dinner.

Then it was my birthday on the 
Monday. Had a nice day with Matt even though it was raining all day…. Went to Croydon and had Poppin CafĂ© for Lunch and returned stuff and bought stuff. Stone chipped my windscreen which sucked ass. Then I threw myself a party with the Mr Poes and cooked party foods and watched lots of Dexter with Matt :D

Matt got me a beautiful Hello Kitty Neo figure, I got a Hello Kitty Liberty Tes Set, a dress, two bracelets, Vans, jewellery box, gloves, earrings, scarf, purse and nail varnish! 

Then on the Tuesday didn't do much cause I had to wait in for Auto Glass but eventually went to Lakeside where I bought amazing pajamas. 

Hello Kitty from Primark, they were a little more than I would spend but I had my monies from my birthday.

So yeah now I am back at work and that week I have been so excited for, for over a month has just gone….. pretty sad really D:

Onwards and upwards though :D start focusing on Christmas wooooooooooooooooooo

Toodles xx

Tuesday 2 October 2012

France Tomorrow!

OOOOK so I am super excited as I am off to France tomorrow WEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeEE! This time tomorrow I will be in an airport eating breakfast noms! I believe we are going to a place called Anger, and then perhaps a French zoo!

I looked up Anger and it is beautiful looking! I am in looove!  Looks amazing, and of course the idea of going to a zoo excites me greatly :D I do love Zoo’s and I hope to the gods above there are penguins AHHHH PENGUINS, are my ALL TIME favourites!

Yesterday I had an idea and I created this little avatar of myself. It needs editing and perfecting but this is the start of it! I think it’s pretty cute tbh! Might use it in my banner when I’m done! Perhaps I could work on it at lunch time? Maybe ahaha…

I’m really pleased with it though! I think it is really quite cute and kinda looks like me? Maybe I hope anyway! Lol.

I feel today at work is going to be quite a long day and I am hoping it will go much quicker than I think it is going to go, I’m already starving hungry, I hate the mornings before lunch I get soooo hungry D:

I’m almost done packing and finally finished all the washing this morning! UGH! I hope the stuff dries by tomorrow morning! I will have to hang them by our teeny ting radiator otherwise and hope for the best! Then after that just silly little things to pack and my sister is going to dye my hair today and it’s all good! :D I belter crack on with this InDesign work!