Tuesday 16 April 2013

I've not been well.

So last week was not great. Saturday I was very excited because I was FINALLY going to give Aimee her scarf I made for her for her birthday. The weather if I remember was quite nice, sunshine and not freezing cold. Anyway in the morning I had to sort something out for Matt in the morning my ear was pretty itchy again and I gave it an itch (I get eczema) and I kind of popped it by accident. That gave me quite bad ear pain, although I've done that before and it usually passes. This time it didn't and it was hurting me on and off all day. Towards the end of the afternoon I couldn't hear well and had fluid in my ear, I laid down and it came out and I could hear again so I guessed it was perhaps the drops I put in to sooth the itching. Within an hour or so it had filled up again which I thought was strange and I couldn't shift the blocked feeling.

So I went to the pub and gave Aimee her scarf and she seemed to like it, it was a nice night although I was so annoyed all night as I could only half hear….. and it kept getting worse and now the fluid was coming out my ear all the time. Yuck. When I got home it popped and then the fluid was full of blood. Sunday I woke up and it was much worse but I decided to leave it as I didn't want to waste my Sunday sitting in A&E for a silly leaky ear….. I thought I’d go shopping instead and then I would go to the doctors Monday morning and then go into work after. WRONG.

I was SO INSANELY WRONG. Sunday afternoon while shopping I started to feel ill, then Sunday evening the pain finally started. AND OMG that hurt a lot.
Sunday night/Monday morning I hardly slept and I rang in sick on Monday morning, by now I was crying 90% of the time with the pain. Went to the doctors at 11am, she couldn't actually look in my ear because it was so swollen and gave me some drops. I thought that perhaps I would need something stronger but assumed she would know best. WRONG AGAIN.

Monday day was ok, even went and got some food from Tesco. Got home STUFFED MY FACE with chocolate and fell asleep. Then when I woke up everything doubled in pain and wondered home at one point to find my mum (she was out) and UGH I was sobbing. A few people said to go to the A&E but I thought noooo I’m being so silly ear infections hurt and I’m obviously a wimp. WRONG AGAIN.

Tuesday morning I had slept VERY little spent most the night sobbing and just well rolling around in agony. Booked to see the Doctor again and went in at 9am. She again couldn't see, but actually examined me this time. My ear was swollen it was sticking out of my head and my face and neck were tender so she sent me to the hospital.

Waited roughly 4-5 hours and I was finally seen and they admitted me straight away. I was not impressed AT ALL. I've never stayed in a hospital and I was so scared, especially when I realized Matt wouldn't be able to stay with me all night D: it was really really horrible. 

He said he was going to take some blood, that made me crap myself, I've never had blood taken. Then I looked down and there was tubes coming out my hand, which I later realized  were for pumping medication into me. Then I got a very in depth examination, there were MANY MANY TEARS, as it involved sticking things in my ear which was just the worst pain ever. They sucked all the crap out and stuck a ‘wick’ in which made me yelp and burst into tears because it hurt so much.

I was then plopped in the waiting room for another 2-3 hours while they sorted me out a bed. My mum and sister came to join the waiting game too. I got taken to my bed about 5-6pm I started to lose track of time by now. My sister stayed with me while Matt went with my mum to get some stuff for me. I tried to eat but it was too painful so I mostly slept. My Grandma and Grandpa came with Matt to see me but I mostly slept through that as the painkillers they gave me didn't do much.

They went home and I finally fell asleep and was woken up around 8:30pm and a nurse moved me to a different ward. I didn't want to move I wanted to sleep but I have to admit it was a much nicer calmer quieter ward.

I actually felt 100x better when I got to the other ward and sat up on my iPad for a few hours. The night was pretty painful again, but much less than when I was at home.

 Food was the most repulsive thing I've ever eaten and I waited from about 7am to 3pm for my mum and Matt to visit me. I was feeling SO SO SOOOOOO MUCH better and couldn't wait to get out of there and go home! I was dying to wash my hair as it was now Wednesday and I hadn't washed it since Friday. Yuck. I felt gross. 

The Doctor then came around 4pm and I was all ready to go home and she said I had to stay another night, some hooohaaa about having a temperature. I of course turned into a 10 year old girl and started sulking and wouldn't look at or talk to the doctor. My mum went home to fetch me more bits and Matt stayed with me. It was really nice actually we just sat in my bed together. Dinner was VILE and eventually Matt’s mum came back with some of my stuff (including pizza bread she snuck in for me ehehe) 

Matt and his Mum eventually left at around 9pm and I was all alone again D: however I was playing on my phone and the night went quickly and I went to bed….. BUT WOW the pain that night was RIDICULOUS. They bought me in some painkillers and I called them back and they bought me more and I called them back and then they gave me strong ones that I had to eat before taking which was really painful and eventually they gave me MORPHINE :O I was a little scared but at this point it was 3:30am and I had been awake since around 1am sobbing and I just wanted to sleep. It made me sleep, VERY quickly lol and no more pain either.

However I planned on sleeping in late as I really hadn't had any sleep all week and the tea lady woke me up around 7am and I couldn't get back to sleep. I messed up my order of breakfast and ordered two butters and only one piece of bread and also forgot the orange juice. Had to wait a long time for someone to un hook me so I could pee lol but the morning went quickly and at 11am I went down to where it all started and was looked over again by a doctor and they discharged me! YAAAY

My mum came but it took around 4 hours to wait for them to bring my medication to me! Eventually I left and the walk from the ward to the car actually almost killed me. I spent the evening laying in bed eating pizza with Matt. Everything seemed to make me super tired. Friday came and I finally managed to wash my hair YAAAAY!

Saturday I was very weak and pathetic still and Sunday I went in for a check-up. Good and bad news. I have to have hearing tests and there is now a hole in my ear drum….. However it is all healing and hopefully it will heal up on its own. I am worried about my hearing… but fingers crossed it will go back to normal.

I had an inner and outer ear infection and it was spreading to my Lymph nodes, which apparently is very bad. I thought I was being a woss, but actually turned out I was very ill.

So I went back to work Monday and that knackered me out I left early, but I’m back today and trying to get back in the swing of working….. Things feel a little out of place right now as everything in my routine got messed up but I am hoping by the end of the week I will be feeling fit as a fiddle again and things will be feeling better.!!