Wednesday 27 November 2013

Christmas Wish List

So in 2 weeks’ time I will be doing my second to last day at WDR. Then I will be venturing off and starting my new career at Metropolis. I am really looking forward to it. I’ve really hit a point here where I am getting quite stale and annoyed. I have to do a lot of work that I don’t actually want to do and I spend way too much time procrastinating. Plus we moved desks again last week and I hate the seat that I have now got. I have my back to the whole room and it’s just not that comfortable in here, but I got the crummy seat because I leave soon so I guess it’s not forever!

So on good news the countdown to Christmas is started, well it started for me back on October haha! I have asked for some bits of clothes for Christmas. It helps that I am liking clothes much more than I was with my weight lose! I have more confidence to wear what I want.

Bag – Next
Dress – A Wear
T-Shirt – H! by Henry Holland
Skirt – New Look

I also have some more geeky bits I’ve getting too of course! Wouldn’t be right without those! A Loki Pop Funko Figure and a Doctor Who soft toy! I’m sure I will track more down bwahaha! I would love some boots but I’m giving up on finding any!

I was hoping to do some christmasy things this year, such as going to winter wonderland. However I dunno if I will go. I am planning on going to Nottingham next weekend to stay with Laura and Sammi so I am looking forward to that! I think I will visit some garden centres too as they are awesome at Christmas time! :)

Lots to look forward to in December!

I have also been working on a design; it is an avatar on me. I’ve always wanted on to use and I have worked on a few but never been overly happy and I have felt like it’s needed updating for a while. It’s interesting to look at where I started and see where I took it!

This is where I am at the moment. I think she has a much better shape and lots of character! I’m hoping to finish her/me this week. I would like to start a Christmas design soon too so hopefully I can get both done and finished before Christmas rolls around, and it is rolling around bloody quickly!

Thursday 14 November 2013

New Production Designer!

So guess what? I got the job! :D

I’m still in shock and handed in my notice today. Part of me just wants to say NO THANK YOU. But I know it’s because I am scared. I’m scared that it will be worse than what I have here and I feel comfortable here, but I’m not very happy here either. I really hate the work I have to do so I want to try something else. So I’m terrified but I am going to be brave and stretch out and go somewhere new.

I start on the 13th of December. Friday the 13th eep! Not good lol. I do wish it was after Christmas in the new year but its ok! At least when the New Year rolls around I will have a new start. Its what I really need!

So last night I wanted to celebrate a bit so we went and had dinner at Pizza Express.

I wore my new unicorn dress.

I felt pretty good in it :)
Wore my heels but I regretted that. I HATE HEELS they look sooo good but hurt so much! I wish I could walk in them boo hiss

Had a lovely pizza though and dough balls then watch Pacific Rim at home as I picked up the Blu Ray in town yesterday! I forgot how good that film was.
On the downside though my phone is playing up and being shitty. I’ve only had it since Monday so I think I may send it back! Luckily I haven’t sold my iPhone yet phew.

So I have swimming tonight and then the sad count down till I leave but it will be almost Christmas and it looks like this place closes over Christmas so HURRAH!

Monday 11 November 2013

New wardrobe! New me I hope.

I wanted to share these! I have lost about 3 stone in the last year and 5 stone in the last few years. SO this winter I wanted some new bits and pieces and I needed some bits as not everything fitted very well anymore.

I feel much more confident and rather than hiding in clothes I never really liked and pinning for jumpers and little dresses this year I finally feel confident enough to pull them off. I firmly believe in everyone is beautiful whatever shape you are and I see girls much bigger than I ever was pulling off the styles I longed to wear and looking amazing. I however as much as I tried couldn’t bring myself to do it and hated what I saw when I tried to dress like that. So this year its great to put on things I have wanted to wear for years and think woo I look good. Well some days some days not so much but that is something I need to work on my confidence!

SOOO I am loving jumpers at the moment. Festive sorts are my favourite with fairisle patterns and anything soft and warm or polka dot related! :)
Skater skirts are obviously a must with them for me! And denim ones are still my favourites as they go with anything and everything!

I’m loving little skater style dresses and smock dresses. Generally feeling like a small child :D Any cute pattern will suit and I am loving the tartan and checked look which I didn’t ever think I would go for.

So here are some of the bits I have picked up in the last month and I am very very pleased with most of them! Now I must stop buying things as I never bloody have time to wear them! 

1. Primark jumper…. Not great quality. IT’S LOVELY! but it was exceptionally itchy so i washed it before I worn it to try and soften it. It then shrunk on the white bits?? So It is a little uncomfortable now. Was about £12.

2. Forever 21 jumper! Love forever21 jumpers at the moment. So soft and comfy and fit great! That was around £18 I think.

3. South Dress from Very…. omg i saw this fell in love and found it on very for £12.50 in the sale :o Fits lovely and feels very fancy, so happy i had a nice smart going out dress and the foxes are to die for!

4. Yumi Dress. Saw this on modcloth for a lot of monies. Realised it was a english brand and was on House of Fraser for half price around £26. Looked amazing with black tights and heels. Almost didn’t order as i didn’t know what size to get between 3 >.< went smack bang in the middle and fitted perfectly.

5. Primark dress…. so cute makes me think of a school girl dress. My dad treated me to it. Really comfy not as flattering as the rest as its a smock style rather than being really skater style. So comfy though and only £12

6. Primark dress.. Loved this really different from what I normally wear! Nice and comfy wore it to MCM and was really nice to wear.

7. Forever 21 cardigan! Really loved this lovely festive print but not too festive so it can be worn in winter not just at Christmas. Had to size up as it was tight around the bust and I wish the sleeves were longer. I think this was around £18ish

8. Christmas Jumper, Primark around £12 Primark is FAB for xmas jumpers a little bit of silly for really cheap. I prefer mine from last year which i never really wore and this came up huge I had to go for an XS so it means the arms are very short. Pretty decent for the price though and not insanely itchy!

I’m so torn with Primark. They make great patterned and styled things. Things that was a little most adventurous or different! The dresses I love and think are great fits and quality for how cheap they are.
However things like my jumper put me off. Still itchy and fits a bit weird now! I’m not sure how much jumper wise I would buy from them which is a shame as they do awesome patterns.

I think I prefer to have quality over quantity although I do love their dresses I can't fault those.

So I went for an interview last Monday and I have been shortlisted out of two people for a 2nd interview and mine is tomorrow. I am craping myself as I want this job sooo much! I went for it back in June and didn’t get it and the same position in a different part of the company had popped up and I got a phone call about it! I was so gutted I burst into tears lol I really really want a fresh new start for the new year. New people in my life a new environment to work in and a new direction in my life too! Plus a new look as I continue to lose weight and feel better about myself.  The place seems amazing and I love the atmosphere unlike where I am now. Plus its casual dress and I gots lots of clothes that need wearing :D

I know I am a nice person I really think I deserve a new start and a better year next years because the last two have been pretty fucking wank.