Wednesday 31 December 2014

Good bye 2014! And a Happy New Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, I did even though it was very different!

I haven't been very good with updating this blog in the last half a year! Work has been exceptionally busy and after my Grandpa passing away I don't think I have been much in the mood!

But as I have had rather a lot of time off over Christmas 
(still have 4 more days off woohoo) I thought I would sum up 2014!

This year has had some amazing parts & some shitty parts.Thinking about the amazing parts though!

I have the wardrobe I had dreamed of for such a long time. As I have written before I have never had the confidence to wear what I wanted and I have always felt quite restricted. This year I think was the year I really really changed. I've been really sticking to this since August 2013, and this summer with the gym and healthy eating i pushed myself past my goal weight and I am really proud of myself!

I have made some great friends at work, and I have actually enjoyed my job this year! My first job as a graphic designer I took so I could get experience, lets face it, in no way can you be picky if someone offers you a paid Graphic Design job the minute you leave Uni. It worked in my favor as I really do like my job now and all the people I work with. I have really enjoyed the last month with the Christmas Spirit, Elektra Awards and Christmas party.!

One thing I did which I was really pleased about was selling my designs. At the beginning of the year I had some necklaces made up and they were a bit of a flop. But this Christmas I had my Christmas design printed and I sold over 100 in a week! I was super pleased with myself and this year I think I will invest more in the greeting cards side of things!

I have been so excited though about Christmas coming around this year!
I booked a trip away (1 night) to LongLeat. It was just in a travel lodge and to see the festival of lights, I got an amazing deal on Tesco for Longleat and the hotel was super cheap as I booked it back in September!

The rest of the post is pretty image heavy so see below to continue reading!