Thursday 26 November 2015

Elektra Awards 2015

So November is coming to an end. I just have no idea where this year has gone seriously! But I am super excited about Christmas and enjoying December!

Now November is coming to a close, it meant it was the Elektra Awards time! I most likely spent too long planning this event, and as I reviewed in a previous post I ordered 11 dresses in preparation for it! However if there is a time to GLAM up then why not take advantage of it!

I picked a dress I really adored although I was a little worried it was going to be ‘too’ much but decided to wear it. So I was super excited about that and also to have my hair done professionally. My sister offered to do it for me, but alas she doesn’t seem to be great with hair haha! She very generously paid for a hair dresser to do it so I was really looking forward to that.

My hair was book at 14:30 so I headed home at just gone 13:00 and jumped in the shower and waited for Sarah to pick me up. I have already sorted out my nails and got all my accessories ready to go!

I really enjoyed having my hair done and I was amazed at the end result, it looked stunning and was surprisingly secure. So secure in fact I slept in and wore it to work the next day.

Sarah came back and helped me get ready, I did my make-up, I went for a smoky eye with gold glitter and nude glitter lip gloss. I had to pick Matt up as his bike is broken and he wanted to see be all glammed up before I went off.

Sarah then very kindly dropped me at the station as it was raining and off I went! We ended up all running late so we didn’t stop for drinks on the way as planned but got to the venue at about 18:30.

The evening then flew by, we have a lovely fancy dinner, Robin Ince did the entertainment and presented the awards and then the after dinner entertainment started. I had lots of wine and tried the Vodka luge, so I was suitably jolly and I danced the evening away.

We also took advantage of the photo booth which is always so much fun and goes down a storm. I have no idea where the time went but before I knew it, it was 1am and our taxi was outside ready to drop us all home.

I got some many compliments on my dress and hair, I was feeling very swish and I got a real confidence boost! I’m so glad I kept the dress once I got there I didn’t feel out of place at all!

I eventually rolled in at 2:30am and got to bed at 3am. I did not sleep well and safe to say the next day was a struggle.

Even getting to work late and treating myself to a McDonalds breakfast didn’t seem to help!

I am feeling much less delicate today and looking forward to partying next week at the Christmas party! WOO!

Monday 16 November 2015

Festive feeling wish list

I anyone else beginning to feel christmasy yet?! This past week the feeling of festivity and christmas cheer has started to stir inside me and I cannot wait!

I have compiled a little festive wish list at the moment, not including the never-ending list of Pop funkos I want!

Mountain car necklace
Christmas tree bag
Elf bag
Christmas jumper dress

I adored the stag necklace and the snitch ring is beautifully elegant and geeky at the same time. The cable car necklace is also really cute and I love that!

The rest of the bits are just adorably christmasy and I want them all! Gimme gimme gimme.

I haven't got much of a christmas list this year. I wanted to ask for jumpers and dresses like years gone by, but nothing is taking my fancy this year alas.... maybe I have too many dresses? HAHAH yeah ok that was a joke.! 

I might ask for some of the above items though if I can't think of anything.

I am also planning to visit Hyper Japan in a few weeks, I am hoping that Matt will pick out something or give me an idea of what the heck to get him! Its meant to be a Christmas market so I really hope it is super Christmasy! Squee.....

Now it is just over 5 weeks to go until Christmas, I have to say I am WAY behind on my Christmas shopping, I am usually done by now but at the moment I have barely started!

I hope the week is kind to you and you start to get that festive feeling too!

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Comic Con in a new but very familiar place.

This weekend saw Brighton host it's very first Comic Con! I had planned on attending in London until they moved it down to Brighton. I wasn't going to complain, Brighton is easier to get to and I also don't hate it like London. Actually quite the opposite I do love Brighton!

I ended up booking the tickets a few days before in hope they would have a guest I would be interested in, but alas they didn't. We got up on later on Saturday and headed out for breakfast about 10:30ish, much later than the summer cons! Usually I am up at 6am and on a train by 7!

But I had bought general entry tickets as I had no real plans there and no guests to see, plus I knew it would be much quieter than the London con so I was in no rush.

The weather was GOD AWFUL, and I had gotten dressed up so decided against wearing my rain mac (dear past self that was the WORST choice). I was determined to wear my new coat as it looks amazing on, but it doesn't have a hood. The drive down through the relententless rain and wind was almost enough to make us turn back home.

By the time we got down the rain had eased slightly but the wind by the sea was so fierce! I was still getting wet but I had no idea if it was rain or the wind blowing the sea in. Horrible! Matt said to leave my umbrella in the car, thinking back now it was probably best or I would of ended up with just a pile of twisted metal! The walk wasn't too far maybe 10 minutes but it felt like hours and the wind was strong enough to knock you off your feet. When we arrived I had awful ear ache and my hair was ruined and to be honest I was damp and annoyed.

That soon disappeared I was greeted by a sea of nerds, cosplay and stalls selling all manner or geeky knick-knacks. I was throughly impressed with the amount and the quality of stalls. There were your usually stalls I have see 100 times but lots of different ones this time too! I really didn't want to spend any money as Christmas is fast approaching but I ended up parting with £60+ whoops.

Does anyone else find when you get out a wad of cash with intention to spend it all you find nothing, just when you are broke you see an never ending list of things you want! waa!
Lets have a look at the mini haul shall we!

My mini haul!
Harry and Snape Pop Funko!
First are yet more pop funkos for the collection.. I got some Harry Potter, pops for my birthday so I have started on collecting HP. I wanted Harry but I wanted the quidditch one. He seems a little hard to find now, but I found in on one stall for a reasonable £15 so I just grabbed him! I also picked up Crimson Peak figures Thomas and Edith too but they are a christmas gift for myself from Sarah, but the deal was £10 each or 3 for £25 so Matt said well why don't you get 3 seems silly not to. So I picked up Snape too for £5! WOO!

I couldn't resist these at £3 SERIOUSLY! How could you?
This Elders wand necklace is amazing and comes in an amazing box
The earring above I spotted on my way out and were £3! They are silver plated and seem to be ok in my rather sensitive ears. I spotted them on our way out and was gutted when I didn't have any cash for them! (completely forgot about cash while battering through the wind and rain) but luckily I was able to pay via paypal! I'm actually gutted I didn't get two sets in case I loose one!

The necklace was one of the first things I noticed.. They seem to be Christmas pre order but I think they had some to buy there at the con. It was £25, which seems really reasonable as it is a weighty piece of jewelry and looks really stunning! It also comes in an Ollivanders box just like the real wands, I just fell in love it was gorgeous. I really wanted an Elders wand but I couldn't justify £28 on a wand that would sit in a box on a shelf! But in a necklace form I cannot complain I will get lots of use and enjoyment out of that!

And I couldn't resist these two necklaces. The mask is the Hugadabuga man from Crash Bandicoot, if you're a 90's kid you will most likely remember him. I have fond memories of the mask and making the noise when you got him and the fish was just way too cute. I love buying from little arty stalls! 

Next to the Iron Throne
We were only at the con for an hour or so and we went back outside and continued to battle through the weather.

We had a little poke down the laines and headed to the shopping centre and after it got dark we then headed to Pizza Express ( I had doubled my clubcard vouchers again) and had a lovely 3 course meal.

We had planned on going to the cinema afterwards and the fireworks, instead we just headed to the fire works as Matt wasn't feeling 100%. We missed the first 5-10minutes but saw over 20minutes worth and they were awesome. I love fireworks and I would of been sad if we hadn't seen any this year!

It was a really good end to a really enjoyable day!
I really enjoyed Saturday but like all good days it flew by and it was just poof gone! That is the last day out for me and Matt now until our Christmas break. We have a trip to London and we are seeing Warhorse on the 23rd.

Before then though I have Elektra awards, Christmas party (i've been nominated for an award!!) and Mumford and Sons with my sister.

This is defiantly my FAVOURITE time of the year, so much to do and so much to look forward to!