Monday 26 November 2012

My new coat

Life seems to be going ok at the moment. Me and Matt have been really good :) I am really hoping maybe he can start to forgive me… perhaps?

I am on some MAGER healthy weight loss kick at the moment. I lost like 1.5stone in around a month back in January/February with plans to lose another 1-2stone by Laura’s wedding. Then all the bad stuff happened with Matt and I ended up eating complete shit and actually putting on around 7lbs.
I’ve been trying to do it again and I have on and off. I’m down to 212lbs ish and I want to get below 200lbs by the end of Christmas and I have a good motivation now. ….My new coat ahah.

Ok so the idea behind this coat was that I wanted THE PREFECT COAT this year. Being a student pretty much all my life has restricted me to buying sale items or Primark or ‘Cheap’ items and this year I wanted the perfect expensive coat that I know will last a few years rather than falling apart after a few months now I have quite a well-paying job,  and I found it, £70 and only available in plus size (which had sold out and would most likely of been too big) and Petite and being almost 5ft8” I am not petite (which is 5ft3” and below.) I may have been ok with a plus size 18, but I was pretty sure as I wear a 14-16 in most shops for coats it would have been too big. Then I found out the girl modelling the coat was 5ft6” and I decided to just give it ago and it came on Friday…. I was 100% sure it wouldn’t fit, but it did pretty much. It’s perfect all-round the body I wouldn’t want it any bigger, the issue is the arms and back, it is quite tight and my left arm seems tighter and actually gets really achy when I have it on… strange…. So it has now acted as a MASSIVE motivator to lose weight because if I can lose half a stone to a stone I think it would fit really nicely. I had dresses that used to cut into my arms and across my back that are now a bit big so hopefully if I try really hard, by Christmas it will fit a bit better J and by January it will be perfect! I hope anyway, it’s not way too tight, and I can move and rive ok in it, it’s just the achy arm that is a massive pain in the ass.!

It really is so pretty and perfect for my body shape and my skirts that I wear. I think it is quite classic so I could wear it again next year! I just hope so much if I lose some weight then it will fit perfectly!

Anyhoo, the weekend was over and done with way too quickly and I really need to sleep. The drive to work this morning was dangerous as I really couldn’t keep my eyes open on the motorway I was that tired. I don’t have much to do today which is a right pain in the ass…… I have a bit to do later and I will have quite a lot to do the rest of the week, but I hate slow days like this when there is nothing really to do D:
Well in about an hour it will be nearly lunchtime and then I can start my count down of the day to home where I will have my healthy BBQ chicken and zoo animals and peas for dinner. Yummy. 

Friday 9 November 2012

Last weekend and its the weekend tomorrow WOOHOO!

I had such a nice weekend last weekend! Me and Matt went to London on the Saturday to the mega bloks day they had in Forbidden Planet. We were way too early, I was told they would hand out goody bags when they opened in the morning at 10am and then the actual thing started at midday. But they didn’t hand anything out until midday…. So we pottered about and got a coffee from the Christmas coffees at Starbucks. I just generally enjoyed being with him. The event itself wasn’t very spectacular, it was pretty much a man from mega bloks building a mega bloks toy thing for 4 hours. So went went off and looked around other parts of London town.

Went to Matt’s favourite T-Shirt shop, although they didn’t really have anything and also looked around a few other places then got some food too as we hadn’t eaten since breakfast and it was about 2:30-3pm.
We then went back to forbiddon planet to see if they guy had finished the model in the 4 hours, he had not and I bought some comics and Matt got a T-Shirt and we made our way home.

Got in around 6:30pmish and I fell asleep till 10pm and had some food and then fell back asleep which I am annoyed about as I wanted to spend the MOST amount of time with Matthew as I humanly could! However I have been unwell all week and I was too tired and sniffly to fight the sleep.

Sunday was annoying as I took Matt to work as it was raining so hard in  the morning. They told him he couldn’t have the Sunday off too, yet when he got there they were over staffed and the shop was dead, so Matt came home earlier and that was nice…. Still would have been better if they had been more competent and let him have the day off in the first place!

Then Monday morning I was so dizzy and just felt so shit I stayed at home, Matt also had the day off which was great as we spent ages laying in bed and I thoroughly enjoyed it! We watched Star Trek, popped to the cafĂ© down the Valley and had lunch and then at Midnight went and got his new Halo Xbox. So I doubt I will speak to him much for the next week ahah. It’s ok as I am going out tonight to see Aimee…. Yaay.

I think things are ok between me and Matt the moment. Things feel nice I think, I’m always waiting though for it to plummet down again and my heart to break again…… but oh well. Hopefully he can forgive me in time and hopefully he won’t leave me In February because I love him more than the world…. Alas.

The rest of the week has been pretty crappy. I am really struggling with this work work work thing. I’m sort of thinking whats the point of being alive if this is all I do with myself. I work to afford things, like I could work all year to afford to go on holiday for a week. What the fuck is the point of that. Ah well, hopefully this will go away with time and working will get easier.

I have loads of time off over Christmas which I am super pleased about. I am having a half day on the 11th to then get up to London to see Mumford and sons. Then I have the 12th and the 13th off to spend with Matt and get the Christmas presents sorted and what not. Then I work for a week and 2 days and then it’s Christmas day and I have the 25th – 30th off and I offered to work the 31st and then I have the 1st off! YAAAY, I’m so excited for December to come, time off Mumford and sons and Christmas. It’s my favourite time of the year!

Anyway it is the weekend tomorrow and I cannot wait. This one will be a slow and chilled out one and I am going to be really exciting and clean the room and wash all the clothes! I cannot wait till Lunch time I am getting hungry. Only an hour to go D: