Thursday 31 March 2016

Easter and the Bank Holiday weekend.

I finished work on Thursday, dragged my bum to the gym and as I settled down on the sofa I knew there were 4 glorious days ahead of me!

I woke up on Friday and just pottered most the morning. The Sun was beautiful and it was actually really warm outside. I watched 'The Land Before Time' which bought back lots of happy memories of watching it on Bank Holidays as kids. 

I also decided to do some themed nails as I never really do them anymore, but as I have the 4 days off I decided to spend the morning doing them.

I am really pleased with how they came out..... they actually came out much better than I expected which is a first as it is usually the other way round. 

I couldn't pick what colours to do so I just did all of them in an Easter bunting type fashion. The most shocking thing is both hands actually look pretty darn good, even if I do say so myself!

I then headed to the pub with my sister, it was a huge let down. Had to pay to park, the garden was shut due to repainting and the service was awful. So we headed over to Reigate park and had a lovely time eating ice creams and just sitting in the sunshine.

You really can't beat just sitting in a park on a sunny Bank Holiday.

We then saw 'Zootropolis' on Friday evening and that was FAB! I really really enjoyed that. It is a really good film with a strong message of acceptance and racism which is really needed at the moment!

Saturday was a pretty chilled, did lots of boring cleaning related things and I watched Hairspray for the first time and I enjoyed that a lot. It was much better than I thought, again another film tackling racism! I thought it was just about a larger girl wanting to become famous but I was wrong there. 

Then Easter morning arrived and Matt and I got ready and headed to my Grandma's. I picked a little green bird dress as I thought it was really cute and 'springy' to brighten up a rather drizzly bank holiday.. Apparently 1 day of sunshine was enough!

Dinner was lovely as usual my Grandma really does make the nicest food! I know everyone probably says that but I truly believe mine does haha! We spent some time vegging out after eating all the food and chocolate and Matt and I headed home to get ready to go and see the new Batman vs Superman. 

I have to say I did enjoy the film even though I think the title was misleading and should of just bee Batman and Superman, and the first half of the movie was kid of pointless. However overall I enjoyed it!

And then in the blink of an eye Monday rolled round and we didn't do much except have lunch out and then headed into Crawley. On a spur of the moment type thing Matt talked me into buying the fabric I need for my Cosplay I want to do in the summer! 

If it isn't obvious it will be a star fleet dress a science officer. I want to do a female Spock and I am really excited to make this! I've never Cosplayed before but I've always wanted to and I think this will end up being really cool. I wont lie I opened the pattern and went HOLY SHIT WHAT DO I DO? So I have arranged to go to my Aunt's so she can help me because I am worried I will screw it up! But fingers crossed it will turn out good!

The bank holiday was very nice even though it seemed to disappear much quicker than I would of liked. I felt well rested and had a lovely time off!

I hope your Easter was a nice one and you did some nice bits too! 


Monday 28 March 2016

Amazing new adventure plans - Singapore

I’m pretty a pretty untravelled person really. I’ve been to New York and Berlin with college and university trips. I have been to Disney Land Paris with my sister for my Birthday and multiple trips to France to stay with Matt’s Dad. Other than that I haven’t travelled much and I haven’t travelled much with Matt at all.

But I am craving going further afield and really experience something different, somewhere really really warm and just lovely. Matt and I decided to save for Florida and do all the parks but at the moment that seems like a life time away.

Matt’s brother moved out to Singapore two years ago and his Mum and Dad have both been out to visit him and it looks incredible out there. Matt’s Mum has been suggesting for a while we should go and we started to look into it.

Matt’s brother has very kindly said we can stay with him and we booked flights and I am so insanely excited about this! I’ve never travelled anywhere like this before and I am little nervous but so excited too! Whole new culture and a 17 hour flight is a little overwhelming, but I know it will be amazing. Now it is just a case of counting down the days until November and doing some SERIOUS saving!

They also have a Universal Studios there which I defiantly want to go to. That looks like a fantastic park. Not only that, but the whole city looked amazing and beautiful like a piece of art work. I am hoping to do a little shopping there too that should be fun!

Has anyone ever been, any tips of suggestion!? 

Thursday 24 March 2016

Video Games Live London date night.

Matt and I had a lovely date night/night out on Sunday; we booked tickets for Video Games Live back in 2015 as the it was less than a week after Matt’s birthday and our anniversary, so we thought we could make a nice evening of it.

We attended Video Games Live back in 2007 and had a such a good time we wanted to go the following year but unfortunately it took a few more years for them to play the UK again and it had slipped our mind a bit and we forgot about it. So I was delighted to see them playing around Matt’s birthday what better excuse to buy tickets?

I picked out my new Emily and Finn dress paired with my new Brogues, I really liked this outfit. It was still a pretty chilly outside so I paired it with my new leather jacket, scarf and gloves and luckily it kept me plenty warm! 

We picked the evening show, which now knowing what time it ended I wish I had picked the matinee as I didn’t get home till almost 1am, oops. So we headed to London  and went for a delicious Pizza Express meal in Wapping. This restaurant was sort of hidden away and had small half circle windows, the building had high ceilings filled with wooden beams and a revolving door to get in, it was really unusual and beautiful.

It was so quiet in there that we were the only customers at one point. Our food came quickly and tasted amazing! We then headed to the show which was a 20 minute walk away, but it was a really pleasant evening and I enjoyed looking at the city center from the water edge.

We arrived too early about 6:40pm and the doors opened at 7pm. It was warmer than I expected thank goodness and at 7pm we went in and took our seats. The show didn't start until 8:30pm so we enjoyed just sitting and chatting for a while. The time flew by and I managed to talk Matt into taking a selfie with me. He is a handsome chap *swoon*

The show started promptly and it was fantastic, although I have little interest in games I thoroughly enjoyed the music. A live orchestra is just beautiful what ever they are playing, the music is passionate and dramatic. Yet at other times it is so soft and beautiful moves you emotionally. The visuals they put with it make it fun too, makes me feel at home watching Matt play his games for hours at home.

They had a few world premiers and special guest that were great and they were presented with two Guinness World records too! 

The time speed past and it ended at 11pm, I wasn't expecting it to end that late as I said above and we had to make a dash for the train home before we missed the last one! It was a shame as we had to give the meet and greet a miss but it didn't take away from the show at all.

I loved watching the conductor Eimear Noone, she moved in a almost magical way. You could feel the passion and the music through her movements. The Orchestra were brilliant and the Laura Intravia who played multiple instruments and sang was just absolutely phenomenal. Her voice was breath taking and it just flowed from her effortlessly. Everyone involved were insanely talented and I really envy and respect them for what they can do!

I would highly recommend the night to anyone thinking of going. 

We then took a walk back the way we came and I snapped a shoot of the river at night and pondered how lucky I am to live a stones throw away from the center of London. Although I get frustrated with this city at times, I also feel very lucky to have grown up here and live so close. 

So I got back much later than planned so suffering slightly on Monday, but it was SO WORTH it!

I hope everyone else had a lovely weekend and please let me know if you have been to any Video Games Live shows!

Thursday 17 March 2016

Destination Star Trek here we come!

I have some super exciting news, Matt and I are heading to Birmingham to attend the 50th anniversary destination Star Trek. I have for some reason put off attending the previous ones in London and I have always been meet with extreme regret. This year it was announced it would be on my actual birthday and William Shatner and Jonathan Frakes won me over and we booked tickets. 

I am so excited we have booked a hotel for the 7th and the 8th October so we will travel up the on the 7th and attend the con on the 8th! 

I can't wait to have a nice weekend away with Matt and meeting Mr Shatner on my birthday is pretty flipping epic! I am also debating if I would like to cosplay this year, or at least get myself a Star Fleet uniform? I'm not sure I guess I might have a think nearer the time. 

On the subject of conventions EM Con is fast approaching and EM Con have announced another Stargate Atlantis guest who has been added to the group photoshoot, which I AM super excited for. I really adore David Nykl's character Dr. Radek Zelenka so I was realy excited to see this announcement. 

This is my first time traveling for conventions. I usually stick to London and I did go down to Brighton last year, but 2016 sees us travel to Nottingham and Birmingham. 

My favourite London Film and Comic Con, so far hasn't hooked me in with any guests but we still we have lots of time before I need to worry as that one is in July. There is also another one in Brighton which I think I will attend regardless as who can say no to an excuse to go to Brighton on a summer days in June, seaside and geekery? Huh? Crazy people thats who!

Is anyone looking forward to any cons this year or planning on attending any? 
Any cosplay plans then let me know I love seeing where people go and what they dress up as!!

Monday 14 March 2016

10 Year Anniversary!

Matt and I don’t usually do anything or celebrate anniversaries but this year is a real mile stone.
10 years together today.

We first started dating on his birthday so it usually gets missed with birthday celebrations, but this year feels more special to me and we plan on going to Video Games Live and for dinner next week as an anniversary/birthday celebration.

We meet when we were 17 in college, I was a wee Media student and Matt was a Photography student. We meet through friends and I tagged along on a trip with the photography students which I spent the whole day hanging around with Matt. I was really swept away by his humor and he oozed this cool laid back character. We started messaging, sneaking out at night to just walk around and chat and then I stayed at his house and never left so we have lived together for those 10 years and been inseparable ever since.

I still remember our first kiss and the first time he told me he loved me like it was yesterday. We have been through education together, moved out together and done everything together since the day we meet. We have had troubled periods and managed to work through but other than these very rare occasions (which I’m pretty sure every couple suffers) we gel together perfectly.

We have so much in common and are both as weird and geeky as each other. It feels like I have known him for a life time yet it doesn’t feel like it’s been 10 years as it has gone so fast. I am so excited as I feel last year we started on a whole new journey together and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us!

I can’t see my life without him and all my future plans are of us as a team. One day I hope to call myself Mrs Crosse and wear a ring proudly on my finger and maybe even a mini us running around one day.

I feel very lucky to have someone who is as kind, loving and as supportive as him. He is talented, smart and funny and everything I could wish for in a partner. He embraces my quirks and loves me who I am and as do I to him.

Let’s hope to another 10 years of happiness and support from each other!

So Happy Birthday Matt and Happy Anniversary, you've made the last 10 years the best I could ever wish for!

Monday 7 March 2016

March POP! in a box!

How on EARTH are we already in March. I swear I was waving goodbye to the summer and looking forward to the Christmas build up.

But here we are going heading into spring 2016... but not only is it Spring but a new month means NEW POP! in a box! This morning I woke up to a knock at the door and the postman handed me my March POP!

I am really enjoying getting these every month, and upon opening it I couldn't see it was indeed Star Wars related and when I took it out I was excited to see I had gotten:

Han Solo! Woohoo! I am really happy with this one as the most recent Star Wars really turned me round and into a fan. Before then I had been very much a trekkie and no interest in Star Wars but now I realised I had been very much missing out all these years! 

So I am very happy to get an older Han Solo. I can't wait to get even more and add to my Star Wars collection!

The box was in ok condition again, no real damage to it. Han is great quality and is painted well I can't see any defects on him. He is a bobble head which I do kind of find bizarre how some are and some aren't, I have to say I prefer when they aren't and have regular heads.

I am happy again with what I got and I can't wait for Aprils surprise :D