Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy belated Christmas and goodbye 2013

So Christmas is nearly over it is New Years Eve now!..... I say nearly as I personally make Christmas between the 24th to the 31st so only 2 hours left!! I did rather have an enjoyable christmas though.

I will start with my nails. Every year throughout December I painted my nails with red barry m glitter. I didn't fail this year a per usual, however I got a little creative and with thanks to onenailtorulethemall I painted them with Santas which I think looked damn good and they were exceptionally easy to do, hence why I did them on two nails on each hand rather than 1. 

I got rather a lot of compliments and people shocked that i had painted them myself which was nice 

Sunday me and Matt had dinner with Luke and Ruxandra and I got some lovely hair products.

I  had to work Monday as I started my new job (I will make a whole new posted on that but for now I wish not to bring down my Christmas festivities) 

Then I had the 24th to the 2nd of Jan off wooo!! 

Christmas eve was spent being lazy and sorting some bits out. I watched a LOT of Walking Dead. In actual fact that is what got me through my first week at my new job, coming home and watching lots of Walking Dead being curled up in bed with Matt :)

And then Christmas day came around and Matt's mum was away so I got up rather early (6:45am i'm still like a child Christmas morning) and we opened our presents. I was soo pleased with what he got me, they were complete surprises and really lovely and thoughtful too! I was really really chuffed!

Then I headed over to my Mum and Dad's and I opened the rest of my gifts with everyone at home as I do every year :D

Me and my sister got matching blankets and thus a picture of us wrapped up in them!

I got some really nice surprises and also I asked for some lovely gifts too!

Matt got me: Ice watch, Fat Rabbit Farm book, Chocolate Pizza, WALL-E figure and Gunther figure.
I also got a headband, scarf and glove set, tartan skirt, cat bugler t-shirt, tartan dress, dr who toy, fox bag, mustache blanket, nail polishes, Penguin PJ's, Loki Figure, Purse, I pad case, shoes, travel mug lots of socks!! The list is really rather HUGE this year! 

Then after present opening we had a nap and headed over to my Grandma's where we ate like kings and Christmas dinner was DELICIOUS!

The Heath family went up in their full Christmas get up! I wore my Christmas jumper that sang songs over my new dress!

I felt rather festive!

With our bellies full and catching up with family me and Matt headed home where we started our rather large Doctor Who marathon which is still going on! (nearly done and alas we missed the xmas special because we weren't up to date!)

The boxing day we had another rather lazy day and we went out for dinner with Matt's Dad and Julie which I really enjoyed!

And when we got back i played with the hair chalk Ruxandra had got me! I think it looks damn awesome and washes out in pretty much one wash!

I will be getting some more colours in the future for sure! I think I will try a purple!

So in between we have been quite lazy really. We popped shopping on Friday, more to get out the house than anything. To be honest i've lost my joy for shopping which is good because I really need to save money. But I did get this bag in the sale £45 reduced to £32.
I've had my eye on it for a while now and I needed a new work bag!

I've also been naughty and ordered some bits on ASOS, although i think some will have to go back as I can't afford them all!

So it's New Years eve now and me and Matt just ate too much Chinese food and watched some Walking Dead!  Now will wait to bring the New Year in together and enjoy our last final day off together.

I hope anyone reading this had a lovely Christmas and I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Tuesday 10 December 2013

2 Days 45 minutes

So there are only 2 days and 45 minutes left at WDR for me. Then Friday will be my first day at my new job! I am nervous and it doesn’t even feel real at the moment!

I have a few things. In this post but I will start with my weekend. Gutted it’s over and went past at around 200mph. Usually when you have a full pack in weekend it goes to quickly and you are left at the end of it on Sunday evening tucking yourself up into bed going, HUH? Where did the weekend go, and that is exactly what happened.

I picked Matt up as usual on Friday and we headed home, I had a couple of bits and pieces to do like hanging up washing etc, then we packed our bags and headed off in the car to Nottingham. I planned o leaving at 7 to be there by 10pm, but in a Matt and Toria style we left around 7:30pm. We stopped off for mccy d’s to try the festive menu, didn’t rate it much but LOVED the festive pie been waiting 2 years for them to bring that back! It was a long drive and was a bit much after being so tired all day and being at work but it was worth it!

I got to spend the whole weekend with my best friend who I never really see anymore :(
Her wife Sammi has to work a lot of the weekend which sucked balls, but we got to go for dinner with her and spend some time with her on Saturday afternoon and evening! Plus it meant Matt and Sammi didn’t get dragged through Primark! We were in there for a very long time I got a lovely scarf and a new jumper that was in the sale. I didn’t realise at the time and when I got to the front to pay it was a nice surprise. I will have to put up some pictures it’s a lovely jumper, purple with gold thread running through it!

So Saturday we got up had breakfast went into the town centre and did a bit of shopping. I would of liked to look round more but it was unbearably busy so we didn’t do too many shops. Then we stopped off for a drink and that’s where we meet up with Sammi and then we did Primark and then New look (got a lovely leather look skirt for £10) and then headed to Annie’s burger shack.

Annie’s burger shack is pretty cool we went there for Laura’s hen do. I didn’t rate it that highly last time and I think that’s cause I played it safe with a bacon and cheese burger, this time I got something different and adventurous, and although it burnt my face off it was delicious! I am getting better with hot spicy food :D

Then we stopped off at the orange tree and had a cocktail which was a delicious as I remember from laura’s hen do and then headed home where we watched the first ep of The Walking Dead which was really good! I wanted to watch more. Sunday much to my dismay Sammi had to go to work by midday so me Laura and Matt headed off to a pub and had REALLY CHEAP REALLY YUMMY lunch! And then it was time to leave :(

I really enjoyed spending the weekend with Laura, although it reminds me how much I miss her. I don’t have many loyal close friends in my life so it sucks balls that her and Sammi live so damn far away! She is down on Monday so fingers crossed we might be able to go for a drink but if not it might not be until March again as I need to talk her into going to get a photo with the cast from Red Dwarf. 

The next thing I guess is illustration wise. I have finished my avatar illustration, created a new snowflake wallpaper and updated my cover page on my website, blog and facebook page for Me Toria Designs.

So I have been more productive on the design side, and it’s given me some motivation so get 2-3 Christmas ones done this weekend!

So I am pretty pleased with those. I hope to update next week with more designs done and exciting news on my new job! :D

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Wednesday Blues!

So I have discovered blog lovin! Its great I can add all my favourite blogs in one place! I’m sure people may be going PFFT get with the times Toria!!!

So I am stuck at work again and I am really struggling at the moment. I am doing a project that I really really hate doing and then when mixed with the fact that it will be a week tomorrow until I leave makes it even harder to pull my finger out my ass and do what I have to do. I am also falling asleep today.

We went to gym again yesterday; we had a meeting with the trainer who set us up last week! He seemed exceptionally pleased with what I’ve done so far, which gave me a massive confidence boost, which in turn got me to work twice as hard last night. That made me feel good until today when I’m now feeling INSANELY tired. I could just dooze off right here in my chair to be perfectly honest with you. Oh well let’s keep focused! Or a least try only 1 and a half hours left!

I’m super excited for Friday as me and Matt will be heading home, but then we will be heading up to Nottingham :) I’m really looking forward to that. I can’t wait to spend some actual time with Laura rather than a hour or two when she happens to be down and of course it will be lovely to Sammi too!

So I added some more bits on to my Christmas list. These are from Topshop, the whole lot was more than I would spend on myself but when it’s a gift I think you are meant to get the things you wouldn’t usually buy! I can’t wait to match! It goes soo well with my fluffy coat and matches really nicely with my navy blue parka!

This week/weekend has shocked me with the exceptionally low prices! Everyone and everywhere had some sort of sale, and some were massive sales like 50% off. As I am being good I didn’t give into temptation well just one thing and I blame Matt. We popped to Tesco on Saturday to get the food shopping. I had planned on doubling my club cards but it didn’t work and Matt insisted I got it anyhoo. It’s just the loveliest dress and it had 25% off and I also got some adorable PJ’s

Oh that reminds me too I invested in this at Primark. One thing I do love about Primark is they make some really unusual things and they start some big trends like the onesie! Matt said it was hideous and he calls it a raggedy rug because he claims it looks like a carpet but I highly disagree! It is seriously the most comfortable thing I have ever worn and its long enough I can wear it without PJ bottoms on! I LOVE IT and I’m obsessed at the thought of getting into after work.

To round this off I will just say WOOO CHRISTMAS. We are now officially into December Christmas has begun and I have started opening my Advent Calendar! I cannot wait for Christmas and a bit of time off I am exhausted I truly am.

And in the spirit of things as I DO EVERY YEAR I pulled out my red Barry M glitter nail polish and this will pretty much be what my nails will look like for the next 4 weeks :D I even got daring and added some hand drawn snowflakes on, don’t think it looked too bad!

I have consumed a few mince pies, I have my Christmas songs on in the car and tonight I plan to start to wrap some gifts! Christmas is VERY MUCH in the air for me!

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Christmas Wish List

So in 2 weeks’ time I will be doing my second to last day at WDR. Then I will be venturing off and starting my new career at Metropolis. I am really looking forward to it. I’ve really hit a point here where I am getting quite stale and annoyed. I have to do a lot of work that I don’t actually want to do and I spend way too much time procrastinating. Plus we moved desks again last week and I hate the seat that I have now got. I have my back to the whole room and it’s just not that comfortable in here, but I got the crummy seat because I leave soon so I guess it’s not forever!

So on good news the countdown to Christmas is started, well it started for me back on October haha! I have asked for some bits of clothes for Christmas. It helps that I am liking clothes much more than I was with my weight lose! I have more confidence to wear what I want.

Bag – Next
Dress – A Wear
T-Shirt – H! by Henry Holland
Skirt – New Look

I also have some more geeky bits I’ve getting too of course! Wouldn’t be right without those! A Loki Pop Funko Figure and a Doctor Who soft toy! I’m sure I will track more down bwahaha! I would love some boots but I’m giving up on finding any!

I was hoping to do some christmasy things this year, such as going to winter wonderland. However I dunno if I will go. I am planning on going to Nottingham next weekend to stay with Laura and Sammi so I am looking forward to that! I think I will visit some garden centres too as they are awesome at Christmas time! :)

Lots to look forward to in December!

I have also been working on a design; it is an avatar on me. I’ve always wanted on to use and I have worked on a few but never been overly happy and I have felt like it’s needed updating for a while. It’s interesting to look at where I started and see where I took it!

This is where I am at the moment. I think she has a much better shape and lots of character! I’m hoping to finish her/me this week. I would like to start a Christmas design soon too so hopefully I can get both done and finished before Christmas rolls around, and it is rolling around bloody quickly!

Thursday 14 November 2013

New Production Designer!

So guess what? I got the job! :D

I’m still in shock and handed in my notice today. Part of me just wants to say NO THANK YOU. But I know it’s because I am scared. I’m scared that it will be worse than what I have here and I feel comfortable here, but I’m not very happy here either. I really hate the work I have to do so I want to try something else. So I’m terrified but I am going to be brave and stretch out and go somewhere new.

I start on the 13th of December. Friday the 13th eep! Not good lol. I do wish it was after Christmas in the new year but its ok! At least when the New Year rolls around I will have a new start. Its what I really need!

So last night I wanted to celebrate a bit so we went and had dinner at Pizza Express.

I wore my new unicorn dress.

I felt pretty good in it :)
Wore my heels but I regretted that. I HATE HEELS they look sooo good but hurt so much! I wish I could walk in them boo hiss

Had a lovely pizza though and dough balls then watch Pacific Rim at home as I picked up the Blu Ray in town yesterday! I forgot how good that film was.
On the downside though my phone is playing up and being shitty. I’ve only had it since Monday so I think I may send it back! Luckily I haven’t sold my iPhone yet phew.

So I have swimming tonight and then the sad count down till I leave but it will be almost Christmas and it looks like this place closes over Christmas so HURRAH!

Monday 11 November 2013

New wardrobe! New me I hope.

I wanted to share these! I have lost about 3 stone in the last year and 5 stone in the last few years. SO this winter I wanted some new bits and pieces and I needed some bits as not everything fitted very well anymore.

I feel much more confident and rather than hiding in clothes I never really liked and pinning for jumpers and little dresses this year I finally feel confident enough to pull them off. I firmly believe in everyone is beautiful whatever shape you are and I see girls much bigger than I ever was pulling off the styles I longed to wear and looking amazing. I however as much as I tried couldn’t bring myself to do it and hated what I saw when I tried to dress like that. So this year its great to put on things I have wanted to wear for years and think woo I look good. Well some days some days not so much but that is something I need to work on my confidence!

SOOO I am loving jumpers at the moment. Festive sorts are my favourite with fairisle patterns and anything soft and warm or polka dot related! :)
Skater skirts are obviously a must with them for me! And denim ones are still my favourites as they go with anything and everything!

I’m loving little skater style dresses and smock dresses. Generally feeling like a small child :D Any cute pattern will suit and I am loving the tartan and checked look which I didn’t ever think I would go for.

So here are some of the bits I have picked up in the last month and I am very very pleased with most of them! Now I must stop buying things as I never bloody have time to wear them! 

1. Primark jumper…. Not great quality. IT’S LOVELY! but it was exceptionally itchy so i washed it before I worn it to try and soften it. It then shrunk on the white bits?? So It is a little uncomfortable now. Was about £12.

2. Forever 21 jumper! Love forever21 jumpers at the moment. So soft and comfy and fit great! That was around £18 I think.

3. South Dress from Very…. omg i saw this fell in love and found it on very for £12.50 in the sale :o Fits lovely and feels very fancy, so happy i had a nice smart going out dress and the foxes are to die for!

4. Yumi Dress. Saw this on modcloth for a lot of monies. Realised it was a english brand and was on House of Fraser for half price around £26. Looked amazing with black tights and heels. Almost didn’t order as i didn’t know what size to get between 3 >.< went smack bang in the middle and fitted perfectly.

5. Primark dress…. so cute makes me think of a school girl dress. My dad treated me to it. Really comfy not as flattering as the rest as its a smock style rather than being really skater style. So comfy though and only £12

6. Primark dress.. Loved this really different from what I normally wear! Nice and comfy wore it to MCM and was really nice to wear.

7. Forever 21 cardigan! Really loved this lovely festive print but not too festive so it can be worn in winter not just at Christmas. Had to size up as it was tight around the bust and I wish the sleeves were longer. I think this was around £18ish

8. Christmas Jumper, Primark around £12 Primark is FAB for xmas jumpers a little bit of silly for really cheap. I prefer mine from last year which i never really wore and this came up huge I had to go for an XS so it means the arms are very short. Pretty decent for the price though and not insanely itchy!

I’m so torn with Primark. They make great patterned and styled things. Things that was a little most adventurous or different! The dresses I love and think are great fits and quality for how cheap they are.
However things like my jumper put me off. Still itchy and fits a bit weird now! I’m not sure how much jumper wise I would buy from them which is a shame as they do awesome patterns.

I think I prefer to have quality over quantity although I do love their dresses I can't fault those.

So I went for an interview last Monday and I have been shortlisted out of two people for a 2nd interview and mine is tomorrow. I am craping myself as I want this job sooo much! I went for it back in June and didn’t get it and the same position in a different part of the company had popped up and I got a phone call about it! I was so gutted I burst into tears lol I really really want a fresh new start for the new year. New people in my life a new environment to work in and a new direction in my life too! Plus a new look as I continue to lose weight and feel better about myself.  The place seems amazing and I love the atmosphere unlike where I am now. Plus its casual dress and I gots lots of clothes that need wearing :D

I know I am a nice person I really think I deserve a new start and a better year next years because the last two have been pretty fucking wank.

Monday 14 October 2013

Boo it's Monday morning. The autumn is coming for sure!

Monday morning AGAIN! Sigh. Weekend was a quiet one, especially compared to last weekend, although right now I am wishing SO HARD that I could go back a week. I would have a lovely meal tonight and my birthday and Lonleat tomorrow. Alas, I do not own a time machine, yet….. so I will have to get on with a normal mundane week.

So I went out with a friend for lunch/dinner on Saturday and me and matt went shopping afterwards. I got myself a winter coat which I wore in the car this morning but it’s really hurting my arm. This seems to be an issue I have in coats and I’m not sure why :/ i think it is because I have quite a broad back alas. I may have to take it back, if its uncomfortable I will never wear it not 100% sure if I am going to return it or exchange it for the next size up! I guess I will have a look at the weekend.

I also got a really nice hello kitty hoody in the sale in Forever 21 reduced from around £19 to £7.99. I love a good hoody to bum around in at home! I also spent my birthday monies on two jumpers I have been eyeing up for some time on ASOS.

I LOVE LOVE the fox one, but it’s more than I usually spend (£35) so I was waiting for a sale, but I noticed a lot of sizes had sold out so I thought I better act quick! And the star one was £22 and just looks really practical and comfy.! They should be here tomorrow so I really hope they look nice on me!

I hope they all look nice! I really like them.

Sunday was very quiet for me, just spent some time with family. And now its Monday and I have to drag my ass swimming. 

My weight loss has slowed to a halt pretty much since France! Now my birthday and holiday are long gone it's time to get back on track. The plan is to turn the 40lbs lost into 50lbs lost by Christmas! :D They that will be a loss of 3.5 stone... Maybe I could make it to a loss of 56lbs and that will be 4 stone lost! We shall see anyway!

I will do a post when my jumper arrive! :D

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Birthday Girl Birthday Weekend!

So as I now write this I am a grand age of 25! I have just had a 4 day weekend and to be honest has been amazing. It makes coming back to work really really hard. I only have to do three days but it seems soo long especially when Matt has the WHOLE DAMN week off.

So where should I start. I will start with Saturday and Sunday I guess. Saturday was slow I saw Gemma for a bit, I actually can’t remember what else I did. Oooh I popped to the Valley to get a couple of bits, but just chilled out for most the day.

Sunday was the first big awesome day. I woke up around 6am! This almost killed me, but I got up and curled my hair really nicely and did my makeup packed some ridiculously massive bag with a spare coat and all sorts and we headed off at just gone 7am. McDonald's breakfast was the first stop and I got one meal and a snack wrap cause HEY IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND :p couldn't actually eat it all. Then we arrived in London at the Olympia around 8:15am and parked up and joined the queue. It was pretty small to be honest and never really got too much bigger not compared to the summer anyway.

We went straight in around 9am and got two talk tickets that cost £40 eep. And then walked around the stalls twice as it was just sooo empty and quiet. We went and sat in the car as it hit me how tired I was and actually fell asleep for an hour. We then went back in to the talk with Michael Shanks and Suanne Braun and Michael’s wife joined in too which was great as I love her in SG1 and Andromeda. I have to say the talk didn't flow as well as past talks and there wasn't enough SG1 mention for my liking but it was enjoyable. Just wish I hadn't sat behind the really tall guy. Boo.

We ate Lunch in the car and did some more browsing. Matt wanted me to pick out thinks for my birthday which I did although the stalls were fewer and not as good as the summer so I didn't find that much stuff alas. 

I spent about an hour debating if I should get an autograph from Virginia Hey, and I’m glad I worked up the courage as she was the nicest lady ever! She was so chatty and happy and told me I had a beautiful name :D

Then I had Michael's photo shoot at 3:30pm and swooned a little. His Accent and how nice he was to me and then I hip bumped him when they took the photo all made me smile WAY TOO HARD eheheh! Not a fan of me in the photo but I think it is nice and natural!

I picked out a few bits during the day and we also grabbed tickets to the Star Trek talk that was free. That ended up being really awesome! Had two actors from Deep Space 9 and Voyager. The drive home was pretty horrible loads and loads of traffic but we got back and ate pizza and watched Star Trek!

Much to my dismay I forgot my camera and I didn't really take any pictures which really was a real shame! I will make sure to take some next time!

Monday was a lovely day. Just got up when I woke up and went into Croydon which was nice as it was soo quiet in there. Got a few bits I needed and Matt got me a lovely jumper for my Birthday to add to the pile of gifts he had bought me! We got home and I showered and chilled out and then got ready and went out for dinner with my Mum Dad and Sister. It was really lovely and the food was delicious.!

I got home stuffed to the rim and begun the countdown to midnight so I could open my gifts hahah! 

So midnight came and I got to open all my gifts! I've shown a few on here already. I ended up with 4 jumpers….

Polar Bear one (from Matt) – H! by Henry Holland
Polka dot (from Sister)– Forever 21
Squirrel and fox ones (from my Grandma) – New Look  

I got a dino from Matt and the pop figures as well as the tree necklace and snowflake necklace. We got them from Comic Con.

Sarah got me the air fresher and gloves and socks and Laura got me the other necklaces, note book and light coloured scarf. My aunt also got me the peter pan necklaces which I FREAKING LOVE! They looked soo good on with some of my jumpers!

I also got a beautiful coat from my mum and dad too but I haven’t taken a picture of it yet! It’s a Hell Bunny Millie coat I think I mentioned it in a previous post.

Then on Tuesday I got up early again and began my loooong 2-3 hour drive to Longleat safari park.

We were greedy again and stopped for Maccy D Breakfast again oops! Then carried on our journey, the M25 was horrible and very stop start but after that it was a clear run, a very long run but clear, took almost 3 hours in the end! We stopped off and then went straight into the Safari bit.

It was great and I really really enjoyed it. There was a lion that walked in front of my car and big animals you usually have to look through bars and windows to see were right next to my car. It was great soo much fun and amazing to see these animals so close. The Monkey bit though I did not enjoy I watched them peel the rubber off the car in front and snap the Ariel! Eeep I got out of there ASAP! 

The next bit was then a walk around zoo bit, but it was all so interactive. We got to walk with actual penguins and through lots of animal bits. We walked past a enclosure with birds and a man was in there feeding them and had two on his arm. I was like I WANNA DO THAT MATT. So we got £1 handed it over and got some bird food. I walked in hoping a bird would land on my arm and BAM around 7 just landed on me. They were in my hair and on my back and just everywhere! It was so funny Matt got some pretty good photos of me being mugged by the birds ehehe.

Matt got some beautiful pictures of the animals and I wanted to share a few below. He took over 200 so I just picked 10 of my favorites. 

So now I am back at work and it’s pretty awful. I generally had an amazing 4 days. The weather has been great, Sunday was perfect and it was sunny and dry till about 2pm yesterday and then started to spit around 4pm… but we left around 5 so it was fine.!

Now I have to wait until Christmas for some more time off. I cannot wait until the run up to Christmas; it will forever be my favourite time of the year!

I want to end on a comparison. A body and head shot of myself 1 year apart both a comic con in the same place. I think I have changed a lot :)