Monday 9 February 2015

2015 update 1 month in!

2015 update as this is the year when things will be amazing!

Well so far 2015 has been a bit bumpy. I think January is always a hard month, it is dark and cold. The year ahead seems never ending and a pressure to save money and lose weight after Christmas is all a bit over whelming. I have not lost my Christmas weight which annoys me.! However I have managed to save a considerable amount of money. When I get paid in 3 weeks I should be able to pay off my big credit card and also my smaller one. That leaves me with a tiny over draft which is very manageable. This is pretty exciting, but at the same time I have all this money just sitting in a savings account and I know that in a months’ time it will be gone and I will have nothing to show for it. The idea of moving out has always been far away that it’s always been a conversation of, well in the future blah blah blah! But now it’s soo close (5 months tops) and things are moving we are actually buying house things and starting to plan, but it also feels TOO far away!

In April I will start saving money, and that money will be used to rent myself a flat and not plugged into debt. I know it is the right thing to do and wait as this time next year when I am debt free and hopefully have some savings and also have my own flat I will be so pleased I did it. Otherwise I could be sitting here with my own flat, no savings and still having debt hanging over my head!

So after I have moved out I know want to have my FIRST proper holiday with Matt. I have decided I like the look of Menorca. I spent the weekend obsessing and picking a nice hotel. The likely hood that we be able to afford this is October is probably pretty low, but it has cheered me up having another plan and something else to really look forward to. I just cannot wait to have my money to spend in the present and not pushing it into things I bought years ago and most likely was a waste of money.

So this week is my EATING WELL starting point (although I say this every week haha) I have just over a month until Matt’s birthday and I want to get back down to what I was before Christmas. It is only 5-6 lbs so it is very doable!

I have treated myself last week to a few new items which I thought I would write about on here too!
What annoys me at the moment too is how people chirp is and go ‘OOH WHY ARE YOU BUYING THAT YOU ARE SAVING’…. 1. It’s not your business how I spend my money even if I am saving. 2. I actually got all of these bits with my Christmas money and vouchers…..

I got this LOVELY shirt in the sale in New Look with my voucher. I love the fit and the colour and it’s so comfy, I just love checked shirts when it is a bit warmer.

I then got this skirt from Topshop. My old denim skirt had to retired when I dropped 2-3 skirt sizes alas. So I am very happy to finally find one I really like and is partial all year round! It is a little tighter than what I would usually wear but I love it, a new style to get used to!

And this is a top I had seen in Debenhams, I fell in love with it and I’m not even really sure why. It looks comfy and I adore the colours in it! It thought it would be great for spring, cooler evenings in summer and autumn so something I plan to get a lot of wear out of!

So that is how 2015 is going. Money wise… VERY good and new goals to hit this year! I really hope I can achieve all this, this year!

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