Wednesday 22 April 2015

Training in London!

So this week I was off up to London to do something HTML 5 training. My company sent me up on a 2 day course. I have to say I wasn’t looking forward to it, I think it is the traveling and all the kafuffle that goes along with going to London. However over the weekend I realised it was something I enjoy doing, 2 days out the office and the weather was meant to be lovely so I changed my mind a bit.

On the first day I made the earlier train and I got to the place 40minutes early. I managed to pick up a coffee at Victoria and spill half of it down my sleeve… not impressed. It was a pretty run down building when I got there… I was a little disappointed as I thought a training centre in Kings Cross would be quite fancy and modern…. I went in and up to the 4th floor and was pleasantly surprised… it was a well light super modern floor…. Lots of glass classrooms it was lovely! I had a coffee and avoid the biscuits and then at 10am we were called inside the room. There were just 5 of us so it was lovely and small. The trainer was a really nice guy and reminded me of a smaller Peter Capaldi. The course was a lot more basic than I thought it was going to be especially on the first morning; however it was good to brush my skills and learn a few new things.

Lunch was at a buffet they had loads of food, curries, pizza, Chinese and salads. I was good on Monday and had a small stir fry and an ice cream.  The afternoon was also enjoyable and picked up a little, and I left at 4:30 in a really positive mood. The sun was shining and I had, had a really enjoyable day.

Now the plan was to be healthy and get an early night Sunday and Monday and do they gym on Tuesday. This did not go to plan. I was in such a good mood on Monday that I decided I wanted burgers for dinner and I took matt over to lakeside as we had a 50% off voucher and we had a HUGE dinner and drinks and it came to £13!! Bargain I say!

So not really an early night at all Monday… then Tuesday I ended up being  an hour early so enjoyed some time in the sunshine and called the bank and headed over to the place…. Again the morning flew by….. Started to do more in-depth things which was good. Got better at small talking with our people and this time at lunch I took full advantage of the buffet and had pizza, noodles and some over bits and pieces and finished it off with a ice cream again.

The afternoon however I started to struggle, my concentration just died and I started to make some silly mistakes and I just wanted to go home. Not sure if it was later than I would have liked evening or the fact that 2 full on days of learning was too much for my brain! Anyhow I passed and we ended up at 4:30 again and I headed off to the station again. The sunshine was beautiful and I was in a pretty good mood even if I was in need of a nap!

Gym didn’t happen… and a KFC and a bag of chocolate appeared instead woops. I do now feel a little guilty. I have 5 weeks now to loose 7lbs! I can do it I just need to focus…

But I wanted to write about it as it was really nice experience and I had a lovely time. One big thing I did learn was I am NOT CUT OUT for the London rush hour commute. It is almost fascinating watching all these people who probably share the same train on a daily basis, all standing alone on their phones or reading and then everyone shuffles off and shuffles off to another queue to shuffle along. I didn’t enjoy the travel to London luckily I finished early enough to miss most the rush hour on the return… and I got on the train home early enough to enjoy a seat all the way :)

Anyhow I am back at work today and missing the idea of walking down a London street and going for lunch (even though I am in Croydon )

I now cannot wait for the weekend. I don’t really have any plans, but we are seeing The Avengers on Saturday so I am looking forward to that. I believe Matt is doing air soft Sunday so might be a quiet lonely day but hey ho…

The weekend just passed I got my Game of Thrones signed calendar back from the framer and it looks AWESOME. 

Me and Matt also took quite a big step and went to our first house viewing on Saturday. We got out the car and I was full of excitement, only to be let down by the fact they changed the times and no one was there and no one told us. I was NOT IMPRESSED at all. What should have been a really exciting experience was actually pretty depressing and a massive let down. BUT HEY HO! There will be more and hopefully they will go well.

I am hoping the rest of this week flies by and goes quickly because I am exhausted!

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