Thursday 11 February 2016

New converse glasses, SHINY!

So while in town a few weekends ago I popped into the Spec Savers to have a wee browse. I came across quite a few frames that I fell in love with and as I have found it so difficult in the past to find pairs I like it got me thinking maybe it would be nice to have another pair or two to change between.

As my current ones are approaching 3 years old now I didn't think it was unreasonable to consider a new pair. I needed my eyes testing before anyone would give me new ones anyway and I thought, i'll do that I doubt much will have changed and I'll get another pair in a few months.

However my prescription had changed quite a bit (almost doubled ahhhh) and I need much stronger lenses much to my dismay. That blew my plan, so I pushed forward buying new ones and I took advantage of Spec Savers buy one get one free and got myself a regular pair which I ADORE and a new pair of sunglasses that are a little more tougher than my current ones.

I absolutely adore the shape of these as they are slightly cat eyed and I love the little bit of sandy colour on the edges. I really think this softens the black and makes it less harsh on my paler skin tone. I think they work really well with my hair colour too. The arms are a nice touch with the animal stripes. They have a spring hinge too which is preferable as I am rather heavy handed.

I much prefer the big frames now, I like not having the edge of the frames in my sight all the time although a tad annoying for finger prints.

I am super happy with the sun glasses also, they are lovely and over sized with a retro shape. They are quite plain and neutral with just a bit of colour and character for the summer which I really like as they will go with lots of outfits. The arms are also on hinges and are thicker and sturdy which I really like as I snapped my sunnies last year as the arms are so thin and weak.

It is taking a wile to get used to the strong lenses especially as they are both the same in each eye now (I had one weaker eye) but I am really happy with my choices! Now we just need some sunshine so I can get the sunnies out!

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